Pornography is a big problem amongst Christian people today. The internet makes it easy to access without anyone knowing about it. I read the other day that there are about five porn websites for every other website. Because it uses the drive God created within us, we are all tempted to misuse His gift of sexuality.
I found a pair of articles that have brought a whole new perspective to me on the battle of pornography. John Thomas of argues that pornography is a weapon of the enemy to destroy a man's masculine heart. To keep men from living effectively for God. I encourage all men who desire to live for God to read these articles even if you are not struggling with pornography.
Boundless Answers: Alternatives to Porn, Part 1
Boundless Answers: Alternatives to Porn, Part 2
If you are losing the battle to pornography in your life, I encourage you to check out Setting Captives Free.
10 years ago
1 comment:
Greetings Phillip,
I think to deny the allure of women in some form or another is simply to lie (speaking for men anyway)... Blatant Porn or the scaltly clad bimbo on some magazine cover.. these covet our attention. The attention that should be directed to our wives or future wives. To maintain this sort of devotion reqires a power beyong our own - Jesus Himself... Who, in holy wisedom promclaimed that if we look upon a woman with lust we have committed adultry; thus prclaiming the whole huMAN race guilty of sin. The only for this is our Savior.
Thank you also for the encouraging words. As were both in Oregon, perhaps we'll meet at some time...
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