I wanted to write something very profound about beauty. I imagined people saying, "I never thought of beauty that way before." However, it seems that what comes out is anything but beauty.
I have noticed that I haven't been appreciating beauty recently. Especially simple beauty. Instead, I have been looking far too much at ugly. Failures, disappointments, lies. Have you noticed how ugly ugly is? It only takes one ugly to ruin a beautiful day. The stranger making a rude gesture at me from the car next to me. My friend doesn't like what I spent the last two months writing. I overdrafted my bank account again. While some ugly is small and only annoying, other ugly cuts to the core of my being. The ugly I hate most is the ugly I find within. When it is the ugly in me hurting others.
Because ugly occupies my mind so much, I find myself wondering if ugly is more powerful than beauty. After all, how often does one glimpse of beauty make my day? It happens rarely. After a day full of ugly, beauty is a dawn after a long dark night. It gives birth to hope when ugly is all around.
So what is the difference? Why is it on some days one ugly spoils and others beauty restores? It comes down to what I have chosen to look at. On a day when I am being annoyed by a small ugly, I storm by the simple beauty along the path. Any of which would bring a shaft of sunlight through the dark gloom in my mind. Perhaps this is one reason the Creator made flowers beautiful. To give me a reason to stop looking at the ugly and look at the beauty.
It's early AM, though not as early as my usual rising time. The leaded coffee I drank to stay awake during class last night usually doesn't affect me...last night it did. I had no energy or desire to do a formal Time With The Lord and vague guilt fluttered at the corner of my tired mind. Failure plagues in one area, a besetting sin, an area of weakness that doesn't seem to respond to the various methodology I apply. Then I read your blog entry, Phil, and something hit me. Your words, expressing your own struggles and insights, started the time with God I need before I plow into this day. I'm concentrating on the "ugly." The more I try to do what's right, the more I fail. I fail to do what I don't want to do and fail to do what I want to do. Hmmm, sound familiar, dear Mr. Apostle Paul? Your entry brought tears to my weary eyes and fuzzy brain -- so today I'll CHOOSE to focus on what is beautiful. Maybe that will give God a bit more room in my heart to do HIS work, his housecleaning. I'll keep you posted. Thanks!!
Thank you for your honesty and openness. I know that God has encouraged me with your words in the past and I'm glad to return the favor.
Oh Wow! This is sooooooo wonderful! So very glad to see you writing and blessing us again!
I absolutely love the profound impact of this short piece.
I will choose to walk in beauty through the grace of my Lord.
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